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ProCaptcha Code

1. Replace the <form ... > tag of your form with the following:

<form action="" method="post" id="CaptchaForm">
<input type="hidden" id="SnapHostID" name="SnapHostID" value="82NDYSJW2QGQ" />

Web Form Protection Code 2. Copy and paste the code shown below to your html code.
Paste it be before the closing </form> tag.
You will get this Captcha image and a text field.

<table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="8">
<tr bgcolor="#FFCC99"><td>
<input id="CaptchaCode" name="CaptchaCode" type="text" style="width:130px;height:48px;font-size:38px;" maxlength="6" /><br />
<i>Enter web form code</i>  
<a href=""><img
alt="Web Form Protection Code" border="0"
src="" /></a>


Web Form Protection Code - style 2 If you want a smaller Captcha image use this table instead of [2].
This additional parameter will change the image - &ImgType=2

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr valign="top"><td>
<i>Enter web form code</i>  <br />
<input id="CaptchaCode" name="CaptchaCode" type="text"
style="width:110px; border:1px solid #999999" maxlength="6" />
<a href=""><img
alt="Web Form Protection Code" style="margin-left:20px; border:1px solid #999999"
src="" /></a>

Please note that SnapHostID should be unique for each form (shown in the code in red).
Every time this page get refreshed - a new SnapHostID is generated.
SnapHostID in the hidden field [1] and in the table [2] must match.

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What our clients say
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost didn't try your captcha solution. It looked TOO simple. It worked perfectly! Thanks Again!
- Erik Kullenberg -