ProCaptcha Help

Note: We'll continue working on this page. Please email us if the information you are looking for is missing. We will add it promptly.

Adding Captcha verification to your existing form
Using Captcha verification with your form processor
Adding a pre-designed form to your website
Displaying friendly titles instead of field names
Filtering out unwanted fields
Detecting and displaying user information
Setting a Tell-a-friend referral form
Adding a Guestbook to your website
Adding a Testimonials script to your website
Setting form validation
Adding custom header and footer to the message
Adding a website to your account
Assigning a new form to your website

Adding Captcha verification to your existing form 

The following will add a captcha verification to your existing form and will process that form. The ProCaptcha form processor sends submitted information to email addresses and does many other things. However, you can also use our ProCaptcha verification with your own form processor. To do that please read Using Captcha verification with your form processor.

To add captcha verification to your existing form please log in to your account. Go to the "Web Form Code" page; you will see the code which you need to add to your page. The code consists of two parts.
Find the <form ... > tag on your page and replace it with the first part of our code.
Add the second part of our code before your <submit> button. That's it. Now you just need to assign this form to your website.

Using Captcha verification with your form processor 

If you have a form processing script and want to add Captcha verification then you need to use ProCaptcha Pre-processor.
Follow all the steps as described in Adding Captcha verification to your existing form.
Then specify your form processor URL in the "Return address" field. Please note that it has to be a complete URL, not just your script name.
Expand "Pre-Processor functionality" box and choose POST or GET method (in most cases you will need POST).

Our script will redirect your form's output to your form processor.

Adding a pre-designed form to your website 

We have many pre-designed forms which you can use on your website. Choose a form from this list.
Click on the "Proceed with this form" link. You can see a screenshot of the form by clicking on "See the form screenshot (ProCaptcha is shown)" link and then click Back.
Click on "Get ProCaptcha code" link to copy our code. Paste this code to your page.
Assign this form to your website and it will start working for you.

Displaying friendly titles instead of field names 

After submitting the form you will receive an email message with your field names and some entered information. For example:
text_field_1 = John Smith
text_field_2 = Global Solutions Inc.
It is often desired to replace your field names with some meaningful titles. These will be easier to understand:
Client name: John Smith
Company: Global Solutions Inc.

To add friendly field titles to your email message please log in to your account.
Go to the "Manage Forms" page; click the "Edit" link in front of your form.
Find and expand the "Friendly Titles" section. Enter field names and corresponding titles in the following format:
field_name_1[[Title one]]##
field_name_2[[Title two]]##
Click the "Update" button.

Filtering out unwanted fields 

Your form might contain some fields which you do not want to be sent by email. For example, service fields, coordinates of your submit image (x and y) or any other field.
To remove unwanted fields from your email message please log in to your account.
Go to the "Manage Forms" page; click the "Edit" link in front of your form.
Find and expand the "Fields to exclude" section. Enter field names in the following format:
Click the "Update" button.

Detecting and displaying user information 

You can collect some information about the user who submitted your form. This information includes:
IP address
Url Referrer
Browser version
User Agent (raw)
UTC Time
To add this information please log in to your account.
Go to the "Manage Forms" page; click the "Edit" link in front of your form.
Find and expand the "User Information" section. Mark the checkbox. Click the "Update" button.

Setting a Tell-a-friend referral form 

Our pre-designed Tell-a-friend HTML form makes it easy for your visitors and regular customers to refer others to you. The Captcha image will keep Spam Bots from submitting junk.

Log in to your account and go to the "Tell-A-Friend Form Code" page; copy the code and paste it to your page.
Assign a new form to your website choosing "Anti-spam Secure Form" from the "Form type" select box.
Scroll down and expand the "Tell-A-Friend functionality" box. Check the checkbox and enter your message. This message will be sent to your visitors' friends.

Adding a Guestbook to your website 

We provide ready-to-use Guestbook which can be used on any website. The Guestbook is protected from SPAM.

Log in to your account and go to the "Guestbook Code" page; copy the code and paste it to your page.
Assign a new form to your website choosing "Guestbook" from the "Form type" select box.
Now you can choose a style for your guestbook in the "CSS Styles for Guestbook and Testimonials" box.

Adding a Testimonials script to your website 

We provide a ready-to-use Testimonials script which can be used on any website. The Testimonials script is protected from SPAM.

Log in to your account and go to the "Testimonials Code" page; copy the code and paste it to your page.
Assign a new form to your website choosing "Testimonials" from the "Form type" select box.
Now you can choose a style for your Testimonials in the "CSS Styles for Guestbook and Testimonials" box.

Setting form validation 

You can set some of your fields as required so users will have to enter some information into those fields or the form will not be submitted.

Log in to your account and go to the "Manage Forms" page; click "Edit" to edit the form's settings. Scroll down to the "Form Validation" section and expand it.
Type fields names into the text box. These fields will be verified when users submit your form.
You have an option to specify a warning text for each field. By default it will be "Field [field name] is required".
When you are done click the "Update" button.

Please note that all of our pre-designed forms also have a client-side JavaScript validation.

Adding custom header and footer to the message 

The email message sent by your form can be customized. You can add your texts before and after the form's output.

Log in to your account and go to the "Manage Forms" page; click "Edit" to edit the form's settings. Scroll down to the "Header and Footer customization" section and expand it. You will see two text boxes.
Enter your header text into the first box. Enter your footer text into the second box.
Click the "Update" button.

Adding a website to your account 

If you want to use ProCaptcha on your website, you need to specify it in your account.

Log in to your account and go to the "Manage Websites" page. Then click the "Add New Website" button.
Enter the website address and click "Add Website".
Now you can add as many forms to your website as you need.

Assigning a new form to your website 

All forms have to be "registered" in your account. To do that you need to assign them to a website specified in your account.

Log in to your account and go to the "Manage Forms" page; you will see a box with your website specified in the title. If you have many websites you will see many boxes each belonging to a website. Click on "Assign a new form to this website"; you will see "Add New Form" box.
Choose your form type from "Form type" select box. For most cases the type should be "Anti-Spam Secure Form". Other types are "Guestbook", "Testimonials" and "Newswriter".
Enter "Form name" for your convenience so you can identify it later.
Enter form's SnapHostID - 12 characters value of the hidden field. Each form should have it's own unique SnapHostID. As you can see in our code the Captcha image's parameter id is the same as SnapHostID.
Specify "Return address" - a web page address where users get redirected after submitting your form.
Specify "Subject" of your email message.
Enter up to 8 email addresses into "Email-To address(es)" fields. Your form output will be sent to those addresses.
There are more setting on this page. You can change them at any time.
Click "Add Form" when finished.